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Taunton Youth for Christ - latest news

Transformed - June Newsletter

We're about seeing young people's lives changed by Jesus.

Prayer and Fasting Day
Our next prayer and fasting day is Monday 1st July. We will be gathering from 1pm - 3pm, upstairs at North Street Church. Please come and join us as we contend for the Youth in our town. 

Pyrland School - Request for help
An invite went out to all Church leaders a few weeks ago inviting them to a meeting at Pyrland School, formally known as Taunton Academy. The request for this meeting was based around how Christians and the Church in Taunton could partner with Pyrland to help transform the lives of the students. 
Pyrland School sits within the bottom 3% for deprivation in the Country and is struggling to meet the complexity of need. With a lack of funding, resources and support, Pyrland were reaching out for help and as the only Church Secondary School in Taunton, we are extending there plea for support.

Taunton Youth for Christ is present in Pyrland School every Wednesday supporting the students and staff but the need is so much greater and so much more complex, that it needs the entire body to come together. Whether you feel able to support with trips, exam invigilating, mentoring, finances or just listening to some of the young people read, it would be hugely appreciated. 
If you feel you are able to offer any kind of support, please do get in touch with either the school directly, or email Kelly at
Prayer Points

Weekly prayer covering
Please pray for and during our various activities during the week.
Monday - Revision and Homework Drop in - 4pm - 5:30pm
Tuesday - Priorswood Outreach 6pm
Wednesday - Schools work - 1pm - 4pm, 
Bible study - 5:30pm - 7pm
Thursday - Asylum seeker Outreach - 4pm - 5:30pm, Halcon Outreach - 6pm - 8:30pm  

Please pray as we navigate some challenges on the streets. We are seeing a peak in violence again so please pray for peace and protection over all of the young people who attend our evenings and for our team.  

Summer Break
Please hold all of the youth in prayer as they head towards the summer break. For some of the young people we interact with, this is a long time without support from agencies like schools and clubs. 

Pyrland School
Please pray for an outworking of the request for help from Pyrland School. The need is so great and it will be a huge witness to the Pupils, Families, Staff and the Senior Leaderships Team, to see the Church across Taunton coming together to be the hands and feet of Jesus. 

Bible Study
Please pray specifically for the young people who attend our weekly bible study. This is such a tender place where Jesus is being revealed and we are so privileged to be able to be part of their journey. 

Team & Volunteers
Please continue to pray as we look to employ a shared Youth Worker and volunteers to join our team.
Thank you's

Trustees & Volunteers
A continued thank you to all of our Trustees and Volunteers who faithfully serve. They give of themselves time and time again and we couldn't do this work without them.

A massive thank you to everyone who has partnered with us financially this past year and for all those who continue to support us in 2024. We pray the Lord would bless you for your faithful commitment to us. 

Prayer Partners
A massive thank you to all that continue to partner with us in prayer. Your prayers and time are invaluable to the work that we do. Please do email Kelly any thoughts, verses or anything prophetic that you receive whilst praying.
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Our mailing address is:
Taunton Youth for Christ
Taunton Youth For Christ Office
33 North Street
Taunton, Somerset TA1 1LW
United Kingdom

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